The Case
What is the one thing most parents want from their kids? Some might say the sheer joy and satisfaction when kids pass the exam with flying colours. Some parents desires for a euphoria moment when their children score A in all subjectsand receive compliments.
Whatever the reason is, you want your kids to succeed. As the competition for boarding school and college entrance is tougher every year, you know only the best will prevail. School education provides everything your kids need to learn, but is not enough.
The Solution
Teachers can’t focus solely on particular students. Students find it difficult to concentrate due to distraction, peer pressure, noise and so on. Some might even lost interest to what taught in school.
The saving grace now is the time kids spend outside of the classroom, especially at home. With the advent of technology like online learning, children can maximize full capacity of learning at their pace.
What We Did
Harnessing the power of social learning to empower students achieves better grades at school. We provide the ultimate educational experience where we turbocharge learning processes, study materials, engagement and emotion factor in an online ecosystem to help students learn faster and smarter.